video projection on water (little swimming pool)
A saturation that becomes a game, a bath in the pool. So many moments and noises condensed together that form a drop. Air, earth and water touch each other, generating an unstable movement that is never the same.
A saturation that becomes a game, a bath in the pool. So many moments and noises condensed together that form a drop. Air, earth and water touch each other, generating an unstable movement that is never the same.
film 16mm 7'00''
PRODUCTION: Le Fresnoy Studio National d'art Contemporaine _ France
The horizon.The human place into elements. it's a inside monologue where air and water give the mouvement It's a film that became a video installation where the sound operate a romantic slide towards sequences in which the subject can be at the same time author, narrator or character.
"Intanto Odisseo luminoso si lavava nel fiume
dal sale che il dorso e le spalle larghe copriva,
e dalla taglia toglieva lo sporco del mare instancabile.
Come fu tutto lavato, unto d'olio abbondante, (..)
Atena, la figlia di Zeus, venne a renderlo
più grande e robusto a vedersi; dal capo
folte fece scendere le chiome, simili al fiore del giacinto.
(..)così gli versò grazia sulle spalle e sul capo."
Video for TRANSALP PROJECT (festival Torino e le Alpi)
"Una delle proprietà per cui un oggetto è tale, è il fatto che con la sua presenza in un dato luogo impedisce ad altri oggetti di mettersi in quel posto. Dato che non esistono cose che ri- mangono eternamente nello stesso punto, smettono di essere degli oggetti per diventare dei veri catori di certe possibilità spaziali quindi energia".
Lettera sull’immortalità, Gino De Dominicis, 1970
I hoard memories, items coming from the past and the present are inserted in the cavity between me and the outside world, but the obstacle is intentionally weak, I commit my intimacy to this barrier, fearing for its collapse but at the same time I hope in the fall of this precarious hindrance, in order to learn how to confuse interior and exterior, to be finally free and to realise that I'm an only child, without stuffed brothers.
DVD 9'54''
In this video moments are translated into colors, nodes, beads, ribbons and springs.It's difficult to wear these affective handcuffs but equally difficult to leave; we are freedom only with the comparison with the other.
DVD 9'54''
In this video moments are translated into colors, nodes, beads, ribbons and springs.It's difficult to wear these affective handcuffs but equally difficult to leave; we are freedom only with the comparison with the other.
video HD 10’29’’
“I tried to shake off the past, the objects, and their weight, but I can’t because they are my sea, my mountains, my base, I can only emerge slowly and find my living space”
video HD 10'29'' A protection that chokes, a snow-white and light invasion of elements that have the function of preventing a break but go to overwhelm and oppress a face, a personality. Synonymous of care and attention that turn around us in our life and help us if we find a way to follow their rhythm and to float into them.
DVD 1’46’’
DVD 1’46’’
Sleeves and skirts are short, the body has not anymore the right size; our personal history is related to the collective one and to the social and national evolution.
DVD 6’10’’
«I’m overwhelmed of objects and memories, I travel with them»
«I’m overwhelmed of objects and memories, I travel with them»
Point of views-60,rue du port
Point of views-10,via Nazionale
4video VHS
Astrazione #4
Astrazione #2
4 video VHS
«Out of the heap» or «stand out» to find the own personality,
to existas an individual within a community
and it’s a literally reborn in the world.
to existas an individual within a community
and it’s a literally reborn in the world.
Ei Fu Siccome Immobile
video 3’33’'
Banda Larga
Vidéo 6’03’’