drawings, digital prints, embroidery, and performance
(SUB ROSA SPACE) platform for performance - Athens

installation video 10 TV HD on the floor+ binaural sound (headphones)
PRODUCTION: Le Fresnoy Studio National d'art Contemporaine _ France
"Ma noi sappiamo che sotto l'immagine rivelata ce n'è un'altra più fedele alla realtà, e sotto quest'altra un'altra ancora, e di nuovo un'altra sotto quest'ultima. Fino alla vera immagine di quella realtà, assoluta, misteriosa, che nessuno vedrà mai" 
Michelangelo Antonioni-al di là delle nuvole, 1995

installation 4  film 16mm 7'00'' and quadraphonic sound 
PRODUCTION: Le Fresnoy Studio National d'art Contemporaine _ France

The uman place into elements. it's a inside monologue where air and water give the mouvement.
It's a film that became a video installation where the sound operate a romantic slide towards sequences in which the subject can be at the same time author, narrator or character.

installation : video triology HD 5'00 and 244 drawings on handkerchief on white tables
(final work of the project RESÒ OUT - residency program in Lugar a Dudas, Cali , Colombia)

Ripartire da qui
(work of residency N HOME _ Rome IT )
Installation site specific, recomposed postcards, envelopes, photo holder, stamps, catalog

"I lived in this house a few months and here I really understood the difference between going out and stay at home, you can travel around the world but never coming out from your habits."
The work is made with all the postcards sent by Federica to her friend Michela, from childhood to the present, in all the places visited; the fragments of postcards are reassembled and its "restart from here", from this house, from today, from hands of other peoples, fragmented but stronger than before, finally ready to leave the house.

Rimasticare l'esistenza
work of residency "INNATURALIA" Cuneo - IT
installation site specific, wooden blocks engraved and decorated with chewing gum , new apple trees.

The human presence in nature is as the presence of an embroidery on an immense tablecloth: minimal but reassuring. In the garden, life and death have the same weight; here the man tries to be creator and destroyer but the cycle of nature is stronger than him. The only way to survive in nature is to become a part of it, or going into the cycle, changing some little things and finding yourself to be part of the landscape.
The existence, the landscape, the life are thrown all the time.

Per il mio primo giorno di scuola indosso un grembiule che sarebbe servito solo per scattare questa foto nel roseto dei miei nonni
10 handmade paper sheets with photo paper 50x70 

Details that are fragments of the past, fragments of a pictures taken by a person of the past who exists no more. Moments full of details and memories that now can be just imagined, wich combine to create a fiber, are intertwined to create a blank space to observe, to draw, to see in the future.

*In questo momento pensavo che la cerniera multicolore della mia giacca ad Agosto in una piazza grigia di turisti fosse una fortuna

*Sul balcone di mia nonna, in un pomeriggio di sole, vestita e pettinata come una signorina, sorrido con sforzo sentendomi amata e aspettando la mia merenda di uova e zucchero. 

*Gli occhi lacrimano per il troppo sole, l'odore dell'erba è forte, io e Giulia ci vogliamo bene aspettando di andare a pranzo coi nonni nel ristorante che prepara polenta e cinghiale.

installation video, expo DNSEP
 9 TV , cables and stands.

Shapes, colours and proportions change, but all the screens show a dialogue between the body and the objects. A labyrinth media, a shower of confusing sounds, TV become the real cabinet of curiosities.

Slacciare le Cinture di Sicurezza
 cutted pictures on the walL

Objects with their arrangement in the room become abstract shapes on the wall and take the texture of the skin and become the mouthpiece for a specific area of the body emphathysing the direct exchange between the object and the body, between the subject and the elements.